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Plastic On Wire Series

For a number of years Pamela taught in a Women's Maximum Security Correctional Centre and as a result a series of drawings and paintings evolved. 

"I was driving home one day and noticed all the disintegrating plastic caught on the barb wire fences.  Some of the shapes were amazing and looked like etherial figures. I immediately had the thought that this was a bit like some of the women in the prison. Although they were being held behind the wire, I was often surprised by their spiritual natures and the wisdom they had accrued during their lives. I indeed saw innocence and likened this to "The Hero's Journey" and all the accompanied trials and dangers experienced before the resolution. The tragedies that the majority of my students experienced beggared belief and I realised a lot of the drug taking was an attempt to block out memories of serious crimes against their person, often starting when they were toddlers. Some people are thrust into situations that was far from what they envisaged, not realising they have access to mental tools that would bring them to the completion of the Hero's Journey."
Due to Privacy Laws Pamela does not say what incidents prompted this series however it is easy to discern the general theme.

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